Nourish Your Health with Our Healthy Beverages

Explore our range of botanical beverages made with healthy and functional ingredients for optimal nutrition.

MILLET MILK is packed with essential nutrients including vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. This delicious grain milk offer multiple health benefits;

  • Digestive Health

  • Millet milk contains dietary fiber, which can aid in digestion and promote gut health. It may help regulate blood sugar levels and promote feelings of fullness, making it beneficial for those with diabetes or those looking to control their appetite.

  • Low in Calories and Fat

  • Compared to cow's milk, millet milk is lower in calories and fat, making it a great option for individuals looking to manage their weight or reduce their intake of saturated fats.

  • Help Lower Cholesterol

  • Millet produces a viscous substance included prebiotic in our gut. In turn, fiber traps fats and helps reduce cholesterol levels and supports heart health.

AVO&ADO are contain in excess of 25 essential nutrients, including vitamin A, Bs, C, E, & K, copper, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium. Avocados also contain fiber, protein, and several beneficial phytochemicals such as beta-sitosterol, glutathione and lutein, which may protect against various disease and illness.


* Maintain Healthy Heart * Lower Cholesterol Levels

* Control Blood Pressure * Promote Eye Health

* Boost Energy * Reduce Strokes Risk

* Regulate Blood Sugar Levels * Fight Free Radicals

* Anti-inflammatory Properties * Skin Care

* Protect Against Cancer * Anti-aging Properties

* Support Immune Function * Improve Digestion

* Increase Nutrient Absorption * Weight Management

blue and white striped round textile
blue and white striped round textile

PLANT-BASED PROTEIN + is a smooth, great-tasting vegan protein powder derives from – black soy protein, pea protein and brown rice protein. This unique high protein formula consists of all 9 essential amino acids and branched-chain amino acids.

PLANT-BASED PROTEIN + is complete with vitamins, minerals, fiber, digestive enzymes and MCT oil. It is easily digested and readily absorbed by the body.

Protein is one of the major macronutrients we need in our diet. Proteins are molecules made up of amino acids, which are the foundation for rebuilding muscle, replicating DNA and boosting metabolism. Protein is used to make enzymes and hormones and is the main component of every cell in our body. Plus, it’s a building block of hair, skin and nails, cartilage and our heart.

DODO is a balanced nutrition dark cocoa drink special formulated for the growth and development of children.

Why This DODO is so crucial for your kids?

  • Promotes gut function and improves digestion.

  • Helps encourage the production of white blood cells, which help protect the body against infection.

  • Helps in development of bones and teeth and assists in the movement of muscles.

  • Provides daily requirement of essential amino acid, helps repair and build body's tissues.

  • Improves energy levels and performance.

  • Helps maintain healthy vision, reduces eye fatigue and protects eye damage associated with blue light.

  • Helps support better cognitive functions, focus, and learning capabilities.

SCOTT OAT MILK is simply milk made from oats. The process involves combining rolled oats with water, hydrolyzing the mixture to break down the starch content of the oats. Then, separating and filtering it to produce milk.

SCOTT OAT MILK are packed with dietary fiber, protein, vitamins, minerals, and phenolic compounds.

SCOTT OAT MILK contain a heart-protective starch known as beta-glucan and antioxidant avenanthramides that aids in reducing high cholesterol and the risk of certain cancers.

SCOTT OAT MILK is specially crafted smooth, creamy, rich and delicious alternative to dairy milk. It perfectly match with coffee, tea, chocolate drink, cereal or just about anything.

BEAUT 3 is specially formulated with the blend of multi grains‘ milk with combination of super fruits - Beetroot, Avocado and Pomegranate to create a smooth, enchanting, flavorful and nourishing drink.

BEAUT 3 is created to meet your daily requirements of vitamins, minerals, fiber, micro nutrients, phytochemicals anti-oxidants.

OAT 50 is highly nutritious gluten free instant drink.

OAT 50 is a good source of Beta-glucan (fiber) as well as essential fatty acid, linoleic acid, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients.

OAT 50 is effectively lower cholesterol, reduce the risk of heart disease and balance blood sugar Levels.

DARK GEM is 100% vegan formula made from a perfect combination of 8 selected black superfood - Black Rice, Black Oat, Black Bean, Black Sesame, Black Soy, Black Lentil, Black Fungus and Black Prune. DARK GEM also fortified with Oat Beta-Glucan and Seaweed Calcium for well-balanced nutritional value.

SUPER SEEDS deliciously packed with amazing benefits of black cumin seeds(nigella sativa), flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, black sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, germinated brown rice and pumpkin, to give a boost of energy and strength to the immune system. SUPER SEEDS is suitable added to any smoothie, yogurt, cereal or salad.

B17 is a delicious antioxidant drink which provide the world’s most potent natural berries essence. It contains the blend of blackberry, cranberry, strawberry, blueberry, raspberry and pomegranate.

B17 high in anthocyanins, flavanols, tannins, hydroxybenzoic acids and vitamin C.

B17 improves the way your skin looks and feels in as little as 15 days.

Quinoa also known as "Mother Of All Grains"

Quinoa contains all nine amino acids. which makes it a complete protein source in our diets.

Quinoa rich in nutrients that are good for our heart and regulates healthy blood sugar levels.

Quinoa contains antioxidant phytonutrients. Its can promote tissue growth and aids in tissue repair as well as fight off diseases and infection.

Healthy Choices

Discover the benefits of our multi-grain, fruit and vegetable beverages for your health.

I love the taste and health benefits of these multi-grain beverages. Highly recommended!

two bags of coffee beans sitting next to each other
two bags of coffee beans sitting next to each other

Sabak Bernam

These beverages have transformed my health. I feel more energetic and vibrant every day. The flavors are delightful and refreshing. A must-try for everyone seeking wellness!

white and brown flowers in clear glass vase
white and brown flowers in clear glass vase
Sarah Tan

